2-5 September
In less than a weeks’ time, Marie Cumberbatch from Gentronix will be visiting Brussels to attend the 54th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2018), the most important event in the field of toxicology in Europe.
With the theme of ‘Toxicology Out of the Box’, the conference promises to offer a truly innovative and imaginative scientific programme. In line with new developments at Gentronix offering in vitro skin sensitisation testing, scientific sessions on the validity of in vitro replacements for regulatory decision making, mixture toxicology, and Adverse Outcome Pathways (including the SOT-EUROTOX debate on AOPs and the future of regulatory toxicology), will be key highlights. Together with sessions on immunotoxicology and on translational safety biomarkers, this will be a fun and stimulating scientific event.
Although Brussels is famous for chocolate and beer, the conference organisers have arranged social events to allow attendees the opportunity to get to know Brussels better. As a classic car owner, Marie is looking forward to talking science and socialising at the Congress Dinner being held in the automotive museum AUTOWORLD.
Let Marie know if you are attending EUROTOX and would like to arrange to meet ( See you in Brussels.