96-Well MNT Test with Automated Slide Scoring SERVICE INFORMATION A miniaturised version of a TK6 in vitro micronucleus test in which 2 treatment conditions (+/- rat [...]
Microflow Flow MNT Test
Wayne Smith2024-12-13T10:37:09+00:00MicroFlow Flow MNT Test What is the MicroFlow Flow MNT Test? Conducted in a miniaturised format and using flow cytometry to score both micronuclei and cytotoxicity, [...]
96-well MNT & FISH Test
Wayne Smith2024-10-11T11:23:59+01:0096-Well MNT and FISH Test SERVICE INFORMATION A miniaturised version of a TK6 in vitro micronucleus test in which 2 treatment conditions are utilised in a 96-well mic [...]
Multiflow® Assay Test
Wayne Smith2024-12-13T10:46:39+00:00Multiflow® Assay Test What is the MultiFlow Assay Test? Using multiple biomarkers within a single flow cytometry-based experiment, the MultiFlow® assay test can dist [...]
Full Plate Ames Test
Wayne Smith2024-10-11T11:16:24+01:00Full Plate Ames Test Gentronix offers a range of screening options to help our clients to assess the mutagenic potential of test substances in the Ames test. SERVICE I [...]