
Your Trusted Partner in Genotoxicity and Toxicology Services

Genetic Toxicology Services

Icon of a laboratory flask, symbolizing Gentronix’s services in genetic toxicology screening.

Genetic Toxicology Screening

We offer a broad range of rapid turnaround screens, focussed on low test item usage, to detect and contextualise genotoxic liability early in development.

Clipboard icon denoting Gentronix's regulatory genotoxicity studies, highlighting organisation and documentation in testing.

Regulatory Genotoxicity Studies

We offer various GLP in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity studies that allow clients to demonstrate chemical safety and address their regulatory requirements.

Icon showing a shield with multiple layers of skin, representing skin toxicology services at Gentronix.

Skin Toxicology

Providing corrosion, irritation and skin sensitisation assays, we enable a comprehensive assessment of dermal toxicology potential.

Flow cytometer icon used to denote Gentronix's flow cytometry services, essential for detailed cellular analysis.

Flow Cytometry Services

Working with our clients, we utilise our flow cytometry experience and expertise to deliver a diverse range of endpoints.


Gentronix is a specialist CRO focused on delivering predictive toxicology products & services to global chemical sectors. Working with companies from early screening through to regulatory safety assessment, we deliver innovative solutions for both genetic toxicology and skin sensitisation.


Do you need toxicology support for your project? Please get in touch by either clicking the button below or contacting one of our team directly.



Nick Billinton, Operations Director at Gentronix
As Operations Director, Nick continues to ensure our commitment to expert delivery of high quality science is maintained.
Dr Nick Billinton, Operations Director
Matt Tate, Managing Director of Gentronix
Now leading the business, Matt develops our overall strategy, delivering our plan to build an expert predictive toxicology CRO.
Dr Matt Tate, Managing Director

Your Trusted Partner in Genotoxicity and Toxicology Services

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