BlueScreen HC

BlueScreen™️️ HC is a high-throughput gene reporter assay, developed by Gentronix, that measures increased transcription of GADD45-alpha – a key event in the cellular response to genotoxic stress and damage.


BlueScreen™️️ HC utilises a luciferase reporter, offering a good signal-to-noise ratio.

This assay has the advantage of high sensitivity and specificity compared with the in vitro regulatory battery assays, reducing the number of misleading positives early in compound development. The assay has been extensively validated across a wide range of applicability domains, demonstrating high utility and accuracy for screening genotoxic hazards.

If you would like more details on how Gentronix can support your project through the conduct of BlueScreen HC Test, please contact a team member or submit an enquiry at

Your Trusted Partner in Genotoxicity and Toxicology Services