The third key event 3 (KE3) in the skin sensitisation AOP relates to dendritic cell activation and refers to the absolute requirement for a sensitising material to bind to and activate local dendritic cells. This ‘effector’ step activates allergen-reactive T cells within lymph nodes, leading to T cell proliferation (KE4 of the AOP) and establishing a sensitised response.
h-CLAT Assay.
Using OECD 442E h-CLAT, we can quickly assess with chemicals, mixtures or formulations that can activate dendritic cells, enabling chemical safety assessments to be performed under this AOP.
The OECD 442E h-CLAT assay investigates key event 3 of the skin sensitisation adverse outcome pathway – dendritic cell activation. Utilising the monocytic THP-1 cell line, the ability of a test substance to increase the expression of CD54 & CD86 cell surface markers is assessed by flow cytometry. Upregulation of these cell surface markers is associated with dendritic cell activation. It stimulates an immune response required to sensitise the skin to the test substance.
Comprehensive Skin Sensitisation Assessment.
When combined with the OECD 442C DPRA and OECD 442D KeratinoSens™ assays, the skin sensitisation AOP can be assessed from molecular initiating (DPRA) to Key stage 3 entirely without the use of animals.
For more information on this service, please look here: https://gentronix.co.uk/services/skin-sensitisation/h-clat-human-cell-line-activation-test/